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Transformer Gas Detector Relay, Rebuilt

The Model 11 or Model 12 gas relay is a transformer protection relay that monitors transformer gas accumulation and pressure rise.

The relay is used on oil-filled transformers with an oil conservator.

The gauge on the relay displays the accumulation of gas that has been expelled from the transformer.   An alarm relay will operate with the gas accumulation has reached the setpoint.

The relay also monitors for a sudden rise in gas pressure and will operate a trip relay.

The Model 11 and Model 12 relays are the same except for response of the trip relay to the sudden gas pressure.

The relays are often installed on outdoor transformers and do require maintenance to gauges, seals, switches and other components.

These relays should be periodically tested, maintained and rebuilt to confirm that the relay will operate correctly when required.

Power Precision rebuilds Model 11 and Model 12 transformer gas detection relays including testing and calibration to original manufacturer specs.

0.00 $ 0.0 CAD 0.00 $

4,860.00 $

Contact us for a quote

  • Model - Transformer Gas Relay

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